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young growth中文是什么意思

用"young growth"造句"young growth"怎么读"young growth" in a sentence


  • 后生
  • 幼龄林生长


  • Farmers cut branches or buds , young growths , from one plant and place them on a related kind of plant
  • Farmers cut branches or buds , young growths , from one plant and place them on a related kind of plant
  • In that day will the young growth of the lord be beautiful in glory , and the fruit of the earth will be the pride of those who are still living in israel
  • [ bbe ] in that day will the young growth of the lord be beautiful in glory , and the fruit of the earth will be the pride of those who are still living in israel
  • Every little while some giant tree yielded the fight and fell crashing through the younger growth ; and the unflagging thunderpeals came now in ear - splitting explosive bursts , keen and sharp , and unspeakably appalling
  • Article 17 water and soil conservation measures must be adopted to prevent soil erosion when preparations for afforestation , tending of young growth , and cultivation of commodity trees such as oil - tea camellia and tung tree are done on hillsides with a slope of above 5 degrees
  • The vegetation was chiefly dominated by coniferous - brodleaved mixed forests , with many evergreen broadleaved species in their young growth stage , it can be suggested that the vegetations in the meizilake area were in a successional stage from coniferous - broadleaved mixed forests to evergreen broadleaved forests . however , the formation of the climax community evergreen broadleaved forests needs a long time
用"young growth"造句  


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